Our Purpose

Our goal is providing New but Affordable Retro Gaming Experience.

Born in 1990, Gameboy Color was my first console that I've received when my family immigrated to United States when I was 10. Gameboy was a way for me to connect to new friends at that time. Now, I'm a working professional but Gameboys still have a place very close to my heart. I've started this business because I enjoy fixing up old and broken Gameboys and giving it a new life.

Our goal is to bring the best Retro Gaming experience to our customers but with an affordable prices. Whether you are old or new to retro-gaming, I hope this is something that you can cherish for long time to come.

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  • I highly recommend this seller if you’re looking for high quality retro devices! Thank you for the quick responses and super fast shipping. 10/10

    - Anexis

  • Freakin beautiful!!! Finally get to play super Mario land 2 in color!!!!!! So happy with my purchase!!!!

    - Veronica

  • Screen looks fantastic. Very well done. Super happy with jt.

    - Brandon